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Dousterdeevil, and ken muckle o' the marvellous works o' nature Now, will ye tell me ae thing? D'ye believe in ghaists and spirits that walk the earth? d'ye believe in them, ay or no?" "Now, goot Mr. Edie," whispered Dousterswivel, in an expostulatory tone of voice, "is this a times or a places for such a questions?" "Indeed is it, baith the tane and the t'other, Mr.

"Ach! mine goot old friend, Maister Edie, and dat is not so very unlikely, if Sir Arthurs will quarrel wit his goot friends to please Mr. Oldenbuck. And so you do tink dat dis golds and silvers belonged to goot Mr. Malcolm Mishdigoat?" "Troth do I, Mr. Dousterdeevil." "And you do believe dat dere is more of dat sorts behind?" "By my certie do I How can it be otherwise? Search No.

Dousterdeevil, and ken muckle o' the marvellous works o' nature Now, will ye tell me ae thing? D'ye believe in ghaists and spirits that walk the earth? d'ye believe in them, ay or no?" "Now, goot Mr. Edie," whispered Dousterswivel, in an expostulatory tone of voice, "is this a times or a places for such a questions?" "Indeed is it, baith the tane and the t'other, Mr.

"Ach! mine goot old friend, Maister Edie, and dat is not so very unlikely, if Sir Arthurs will quarrel wit his goot friends to please Mr. Oldenbuck. And so you do tink dat dis golds and silvers belonged to goot Mr. Malcolm Mishdigoat?" "Troth do I, Mr. Dousterdeevil." "And you do believe dat dere is more of dat sorts behind?" "By my certie do I How can it be otherwise? Search No.