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Dounika, however, must have had an inkling of something dreadful, for instead of hiding her face she gazed at Sanine in sympathetic bewilderment. Sanine propped his spade against a tree, tightened his belt and walked towards the house with his usual jaunty step. 'What fools they are! What absolute idiots! he said to himself, as he thought of Sarudine and his seconds.

Feeling how helpless she was, the old woman wept bitterly; and then, having set her cap straight, she asked the maid-servant: "Dounika, is Vladimir Petrovitch at home?" "What?" shouted Dounika. "Fool! I asked if the young gentleman was at home." "He's just gone into the study. He's writing a letter!" replied Dounika, looking radiant, as if this letter were the reason for unusual rejoicing.

Expect nothing good from him.... And then the harm that he does to you will not make you grieve." Lida looked up at him with beautiful tear-stained eyes. "Do you expect nothing good from your fellow-men, either?" "Of course not," replied Sanine, "I live alone." On the following day Dounika, bare-headed and barefooted, came running to Sanine who was gardening.

He went to ..." At that moment Dounika appeared in the doorway, and said: "Victor Sergejevitsch is here, and another gentleman." "Turn them out of the house," said Sanine. Dounika smiled sheepishly. "Oh! Sir, I can't do that, can I?" "Of course you can! What business brings them here?" Dounika hid her face, and went out.