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Thy learned rector and his four subordinate dominies; thy strange old porter of the tall form and grizzled hair, hight Boee, and doubtless of Norse ancestry, as his name declares; perhaps of the blood of Bui hin Digri, the hero of northern song the Jomsborg Viking who clove Thorsteinn Midlangr asunder in the dread sea battle of Horunga Vog, and who, when the fight was lost and his own two hands smitten off, seized two chests of gold with his bloody stumps, and, springing with them into the sea, cried to the scanty relics of his crew, "Overboard now, all Bui's lads!"

'No, said I, as I rose from the grass, and proceeded to cross the bridge to the town at which we had arrived the preceding night; 'I never heard of it; but now I have seen it, I shall not soon forget it! The Castle A father's inquiries Scotch language A determination Bui hin Digri Good Scotchman Difference of races Ne'er a haggis Pugnacious people Wha are ye, man?

He was twenty-five years old, as I thought; but therein I was wrong, for he was just my own age, though looking so much older. "I am Olaf Haraldsson Olaf Digri, the Thick, as men call me," he said. "Some call me king, though I rule but over a few ships, as a sea king. Which of you thanes is Eadmund the Atheling?" Then Eadmund rose up from his place, and went towards the king.