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These sensitive fevers, like the irritative ones, resolve themselves into those with arterial strength, and those with arterial debility, that is with excess or defect of sensorial power; these may be termed the febris sensitiva pulsu forti, sensitive fever with strong pulse, which is the synocha, or inflammatory fever; and the febris sensitiva pulsu debili, sensitive fever with weak pulse, which is the typhus gravior, or putrid fever of some writers.

V. Ubi autem solito pauciores deferunter ad eadem organa spiritus animales, imperfectæ ac imbecillæ observantur fieri eadem functiones, in motu tremulo et infirmo, nec diu durante, in visu debili, ac mox defatigato, &c. Sect.

Where the pulse is small this defect of distention is present, and contributes much to produce the febris irritativa pulsu debili, or irritative fever with weak pulse, called by modern writers nervous fever, as a predisponent cause. See Sect.

When the contractile sides of the heart and arteries perform a greater number of pulsations in a given time, but move through a much less area at each pulsation, whether these motions are occasioned by defect of their natural stimuli, or by the defect of other irritative motions with which they are associated, or from the inirritability of the arterial system, that is, from a decreased quantity of sensorial power, another kind of fever arises; which may be termed, Typhus irritativus, or Febris irritativa pulsu debili, or irritative fever with weak pulse.

In his first edition, Vasari tells us that, after his death, his memory was honoured by many epitaphs, among which he quotes the following: "Pianga Cortona omai, vestasi oscura, Che estinti son' del Signorello i lumi; Et tu, Pittura, fa de gli occhi fiumi, Chè resti senza lui debili e scura."