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Now Granny spins once more for sheet and bolster long, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! For Ditte and the prince to lie and rest upon, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray! When she had finished her song, there was stillness for a few moments in the schoolroom. "She thinks she's going to marry a prince," said one of the girls. "And that she probably will!" answered the schoolmaster.

Alas, dear little prince, your question makes me grieve, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! There's Granny waits at home for me, and her I cannot leave, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray! She's blind, poor old dear, 'tis sad to see, alack! Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! She's water in her legs and pains all down her back, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray!

One or two attempted to giggle, but one look from the master silenced them. Now we spin for Ditte for stockings and for vest, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! Some shall be of silver and golden all the rest, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray!

Ditte went awalking, so soft and round and red, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away, Met a little princeling who doff'd his cap and said, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray! Oh, come with me, fair maiden, to father's castle fine, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! We'll play the livelong day and have a lovely time, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray!

If 'tis but for a child, she's cried her poor eyes out, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! Then she shall never want of that there is no doubt, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray! When toil and troubles tell and legs begin to ache, Spin, spin away, Oh, and spin, spin away! We'll dress her up in furs and drive her out in state, Fal-de-ray, fal-de-ray, de-ray, ray, ray!