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Varin was beside himself. He trembled with rage; his eyes were bloodshot. "The money....the twenty thousand...." he stammered. "Impossible! I need it myself." "The money!" "Come, be reasonable, and don't get excited. It won't do you any good." Daspry seized his arm so forcibly, that Varin uttered a cry of pain. Daspry continued: "Now, you can go. The air will do you good.

She thanked him in the same words she might have used to a man in her own social circle, so I concluded that she had not witnessed the final scene between Varin and Arsene Lupin. But the surprising revelation caused me considerable embarrassment. Lupin! My club companion was none other than Arsene Lupin. I could not realize it. But he said, quite at his ease: "You can say farewell to Jean Daspry."

The banker hesitated a moment, as if he were afraid to touch those cursed letters that he had sought so eagerly. Then, with a nervous movement, he took them. Close to me, I heard a moan. I grasped Madame Andermatt's hand. It was cold. "I believe, monsieur," said Daspry to the banker, "that our business is ended. Oh! no thanks.

"Yes." "And you have also the last document that you received from Louis Lacombe the one that completes the plans of the sub-marine?" "Yes." The exchange was made. Daspry pocketed the document and the checks, and offered the packet of letters to Mon. Andermatt. "This is what you wanted, Monsieur."