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The deflections were read from a clear glass scale, placed at a distance of 3.30 meters from the needle, and the results worked out from Coulomb's static formula, The following numbers represent the potential of an element of the battery that is to say, the quantity of electricity that the pole of that battery spreads upon a sphere of one centimeter radius.

And, in 1811, M. Poisson applied Laplace's artifices to the case of two spheres acting upon one another in contact, a case to which many of Coulomb's experiments were referrible; and the agreement of the results of theory and observation, thus extricated from Coulomb's numbers obtained above forty years previously, was very striking and convincing."

Dr. de la Rue concluded his interesting discourse by exhibiting some of the finest tubes of his numerous and unsurpassed collection. Engineering Coulomb's torsion balance has been adapted by M. Baille to the measurement of low electromotive forces in a very successful manner, and has been found preferable by him to the delicate electrometers of Sir W. Thomson.

If, in place of the rod, we take a small square soft iron plate and allow its molecules freedom under the sole influence of the earth's magnetism, then we invariably find the polarity in the direction of the magnetic dip, no matter in what position it be held, and a sphere of soft iron could only be polarized in a similar direction Thus we can never obtain complete external neutrality while the molecules have freedom and do not form an internal closed circle of mutual attractions; and whatever theory we may adopt as to the cause of polarity in the molecule, such as Coulomb's, Poisson's, Ampere's, or Weber's, there can exist no haphazard arrangement in perfectly soft iron, as long as it is free from all external causes except the influence of the earth; consequently these theories are wrong in one of their most essential parts.