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"The only thing I can think of that would produce an effect like that is a stream of positrons or contraterrene nuclei. That would explain not only the heating, but the electrical display. "As far as the coil goes, that's easy to understand. Any energy storage device stores energy in the strain in space; here you can actually see the strain in space." Then he smiled at his son.

Here they heard the soft purring of a large oscillator tube and the indistinguishable murmur of smoothly running AC generators powered by large contraterrene reactors. The elder Dr. Arcot glanced in surprise at the heavy-duty ammeter in a control panel. "Half a billion amperes! Good Lord! Where is all that power going?" He looked at his son. "Into the storage coils.

When the contraterrene lead atoms met the terrene lead atoms, mutual annihilation resulted, giving us pure energy. "Some of this power can be bled off to power the mechanism itself; the rest is useful energy. We've got all the power we need power, literally by the ton." Fuller said nothing; he just looked dazed.

As a result, about half of the lead fed into the chamber became contraterrene lead! The atoms just turned themselves inside out, so to speak, giving us an atom with positrons circling a negatively charged nucleus. It even gave the neutrons a reverse spin, converting them into anti-neutrons. "Result: total annihilation of matter!