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Although I was convinced, after this, that during my interview I had lost several important revelations regarding George Washington through these peculiar lapses, I could not help reflecting how beneficent were these provisions of the Creator, how, if properly studied and applied, they might be fraught with happiness to mankind, how a slight jostle or jar at a dinner-party might make the post-prandial eloquence of garrulous senility satisfactory to itself, yet harmless to others, how a more intimate knowledge of anatomy, introduced into the domestic circle, might make a home tolerable at least, if not happy, how a long-suffering husband, under the pretence of a conjugal caress, might so unhook his wife's condyloid process as to allow the flow of expostulation, criticism, or denunciation, to go on with gratification to her, and perfect immunity to himself.

The synovial membrane does not cover the ends of the bones, but passes around the joint and connects with the bones at their edges so as to form a closed sac in which the fluid is retained. *Kinds of Movable Joints.—*The different kinds of movable joints are the ball and socket joint, the hinge joint, the pivot joint, the condyloid joint, and the gliding joint.

Since publishing my little volume I have got several new plates of Asterolepis, a broad palatal plate, covered with tubercles, considerably larger than those of the creature's external surface, a key-stone shaped plate, placed, when in situ, in advance of the little plate between the eyes, which form the head and face of the effigy in the centre of the buckler, and a side-plate, into which the condyloid processes of the lower jaw were articulated, and which exhibited the processes on which these hinged.

A good example of the pivot joint is found at the elbow, where the radius turns upon the humerus. Another example is the articulation of the atlas with the axis vertebra as already noted. The pivot joint admits of motion around an axis. Examples of condyloid joints are found at the knuckles and where the wrist bones articulate with the radius and ulna.