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Many of them certainly would be so still: as, for example, abgregate, 'to lead out of the flock'; acersecomick, 'one whose hair was never cut'; adcorporated, 'married'; adecastick, 'one that will do just howsoever'; bubulcitate, 'to cry like a cow-boy'; collocuplicate, 'to enrich' concerning which we wonder who used them, or where Cockeram found them; but we are surprised to find among these hard words abandon, abhorre, abrupt, absurd, action, activitie, and actresse, explained as 'a woman doer, for the stage actress had not yet appeared.

The King and all the Nobilitie did not a little marvel; for in his cheeks were holes, and therein small bones planted, which in his Countrey was reputed for a great braverie. The poor Brazilian monarch died on his voyage back, which made Hawkins fear for the life of Martin Cockeram, whom he had left in Brazil as a hostage.

However, the Brazilians took Hawkins's word for it and released Cockeram, who lived another forty years in Plymouth. 'Olde M. William Haukins' was the father of Sir John Hawkins, Drake's companion in arms, whom we shall meet later.

H.C., we learn from the dedication, was Henry Cockeram, to whom John Ford the dramatist addressed the following congratulatory lines: To my industrious friend, the Author of this English Dictionarie, MR. HENRY COCKRAM OF EXETER. Borne in the West? liue there? so far from Court?