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Agatha Chudleigh the Chudleighs were Aunt Philippa's belongings was playing the piano, and her brother Clarence was accompanying her on the violoncello. There was a little group round the piano. Jill was beating time, standing with her back to a small inlaid table with a lamp on it. Mr. Tudor was beside her. Jill made a backward movement in her forgetfulness and enthusiasm.

She had come to Lady Henry firmly determined to marry as soon and as well as she could to throw off the slur on her life to regularize her name and place in the world. And then the possible heir of the Chudleighs proposes to her and she rejects him! It was sometimes difficult for her now to remember all the whys and wherefores of this strange action of which she was secretly so proud.

And the bar implied London, and the dinners and dances of London, which, for a man of his family, the probable heir to the lands and moneys of the Chudleighs, were naturally innumerable.

I was introduced to the town-wits; held my place in their company tolerably well; was pronounced to be pretty well bred by the macaronis and people of fashion, and might have run a career amongst them had my purse been long enough; had I chose to follow that life; had I not loved at that time a pair of kind eyes better than the brightest orbs of the Gunnings or Chudleighs, or all the painted beauties of the Ranelagh ring.