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I suppose Mack and I always will be hopeless amateurs. But, as the thing has turned out in my case, I'm mighty glad of it. One day last summer I went to Pittsburgh well, I had to go there on business. My chair-car was profitably well filled with people of the kind one usually sees on chair-cars.

He loitered down to the station; he studied the summer-resort posters, lest he have to speak to acquaintances and expose his uneasiness. But he was well trained. When the train clanked in he was out on the cement platform, peering into the chair-cars, and as he saw her in the line of passengers moving toward the vestibule he waved his hat.

Before long he began to look forward eagerly to Thursday nights and Miss Monon's cozy corner with its red-plush cushions reminiscent of chair-cars, to be sure and its darkness illumined dimly by red and green signal lamps.

The station agent slept soundly at his post, and all the rest of the town had gone to bed. The train pulled in and out again, leaving him at the far end of the platform, mopping his harassed brow. He had visited the chair-cars and had seen no one answering the description. A half-dozen passengers huddled off and wandered away in the darkness.

People from prosperous towns and cities of the middle west, from Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa, going east to New York or Philadelphia, looked out of the car windows and seeing the poor little houses scattered along the hillside thought of books they had read of life in hovels in the old world. In chair-cars men and women leaned back and closed their eyes.