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An old broken millstone at the door, a well-sweep pointing like a finger to the heavens, which the shining round of water beneath looked up at like a dark unsleeping eye, a single large elm a little at one side, a barn twice as big as the house, a cattle-yard, with "The white horns tossing above the wall,"

"Why, Alex, this land along the bayou here looks like a cattle-yard!" exclaimed Rob as early the next morning they paused to examine a piece of the moist ground which they had observed much cut up with tracks of big game. There were four in party now, Moise alone having remained to keep the camp.

They brought him to Rocky Ridge, bound hand and foot, and deposited him in the middle of the cattle-yard with his back against a post. It is said that the pleasure that lit Slade's face when he heard of it was something fearful to contemplate. He examined his enemy to see that he was securely tied, and then went to bed, content to wait till morning before enjoying the luxury of killing him.

I suppose I am an old sentimentalist, and forget the instinctive love of life which it takes all the strength of an uncommon despair to overcome. "He did the work which was given him with an intelligence which surprised old Swaffer. By-and-by it was discovered that he could help at the ploughing, could milk the cows, feed the bullocks in the cattle-yard, and was of some use with the sheep.

An old broken mill- stone at the door, a well-sweep pointing like a finger to the heavens, which the shining round of water beneath looked up at like a dark unsleeping eye, a single large elm a little at one side, a barn twice as big as the house, a cattle-yard, with "The white horns tossing above the wall,"