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"'Candor's the order of the day, isn't it? he asked. "'Yes! 'Yes! two or three answered. "'Well, then, said he, 'candidly, Pauline, you've got the darn'dest squeaky voice' "Miss Ringtop gave a faint little scream of horror. "'Oh, never mind! he continued. 'We act according to impulse, don't we? And I've the impulse to swear; and it's right. Let Nature have her way. Listen!

"Miss Ringtop, nothing loath, immediately commenced, 'When stars are in the quiet skies; but scarcely had she finished the first verse before Abel interrupted her. "'Candor's the order of the day, isn't it? he asked. "'Yes! 'Yes! two or three answered. "'Well then, said he, 'candidly, Pauline, you've got the darn'dest squeaky voice' "Miss Ringtop gave a faint little scream of horror.

"'Well, Jim, says Bill, who's been settin' thar shudderin' through them rhapsodies, an' now an' then gettin' a glimpse of this yere female with the tail of his eye: 'Well, Jim, far be it from me, an' me your brother, to go avouchin' views to make you feel doobious of your choice. But candor's got the drop on me an' compels me to speak my thoughts.

"Candor's one of your virtues. But what about the rest of us?" Foster wished he had been more tactful and thought his comrade's amusement might better have been restrained; but Lawrence resumed: "It must have been annoying to leave the mill when you had much to do. The curious thing is that when you set off from the Crossing with me you declared you were tired of working for dollars." "Mr.

"'Candor's the order of the day, isn't it? he asked. "'Yes! 'Yes! two or three answered. "'Well, then, said he, 'candidly, Pauline, you've got the darn'dest squeaky voice' "Miss Ringtop gave a faint little scream of horror. "'Oh, never mind! he continued. 'We act according to impulse, don't we? And I've the impulse to swear; and it's right. Let Nature have her way. Listen!