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Among artists in London, as I afterwards learnt, she often went by the playful name of 'Lady Sinfi Lovell, for the following reason: She was extremely proud, and believed the 'Kaulo Camloes' to represent the aristocracy not only of the Gypsies, but of the world.

The dukkeripen allus comes true, unless it's one as says a Gorgio shall come to the Kaulo Camloes an' break Sinfi Lovell's heart. Before that dukkeripen shall come true Sinfi Lovell 'ud cut her heart out. Yes, my fine Gorgio, she'd cut it out she'd cut it out and fling it in that 'ere llyn. She did cut it out when she took the cuss on herself. She's a-cuttin' it out now.

Panuel's opposition to the scheme was so strong that I refused to urge the point. It was a very touching scene between him and Sinfi. 'You know what your mammy told you about you and the Gorgios, said he, with tears trickling down his cheeks. 'You know the dukkeripen said as you wur to beware o' Gorgios, because a Gorgio would come to the Kaulo Camloes as would break your heart.

The fearless young Amazon and seeress, who kept a large family of the Kaulo Camloes in awe, was supposed to have nearly conquered the feminine weakness of tears; but she had not. There was a chink in the Amazon's armour, and I had found it. 'Yis, said she, nodding her head and smiling. 'You an' me's right pals ag'in. As we were going I told her how I had replaced the jewel in the tomb.