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What characters belong in common to plot and counterplot? Does Falstaffe show any material differences in character as he appears in this Play, in comparison with the way he appears in "Henry IV?" Contrast the feelings of Falstaffe before and after the Buckbasket episode? In which scene is Ford the worst duped?

Jamieson thus explains it: Bouk is the Scotch word for a lye used to steep foul linen in, before it is washed in water; the buckbasket, therefore, is the basket employed to carry clothes, after they have been bouked, to the washing-place. Sweet are the songs of Egypt on paper.

As for fay Elizabeth, otherwise carrotty Bess, the gross virgin who inspired The Merry Wives of Windsor, let some meinherr from Almany grope his life long for deephid meanings in the depths of the buckbasket. I think you're getting on very nicely. Just mix up a mixture of theolologicophilolological. Mingo, minxi, mictum, mingere. Prove that he was a jew, John Eglinton dared,'expectantly.

Why is the Old Woman of Brentford trick a climax upon that of the Buckbasket? Falstaffe's wish that all the world might be cheated is true to the method of the Play. Show in exemplification of this, how a fourth intrigue grows out of the third, and is introduced as late as this fourth Act. How is the joke of the Host against Dr. Caius and Sir Hugh Evans avenged?