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Solmes's nephew "and went home with Carrier Brantock. Didn't you see her?" "Just for a word, this morning. She hadn't so much to tell as you'd think. But it come to this that this old Goody Prichard's own sister to Granny Marrable. Got lost in Australia somehow. Anyhow, she's there now, at the Cottage. No getting out o' that!

Yet the facts of the case were just as we have stated them, and no one of the incidents that brought them about was in itself incredible. Brantock was not told anything at all about anything, and did not himself originate a single remark, except that the rain was holding off. It may have been.

His horse appeared to have read the directions on all the parcels, choosing without instruction the most time-saving routes to their different destinations, and going on the moment they were paid for. In fact, Mr. Brantock had frequently to resume his seat on a cart in motion, at the risk of his life.

She helped Ruth to establish the Granny in her own high-backed chair beside her sister for neither would relinquish the other's hand and took advantage of a very late return of Brantock, the carrier, to convey her home, where she arrived after midnight.

If Brantock the carrier, who drove away with Widow Thrale, promising that she should be in time for sooper at Soalmes's, and a bit thrown in, had been told whose mother she would speak with next day, and when she saw her last, he would probably have said nothing for carriers don't talk; they carry but his manner would have betrayed his incredulity.

And Brantock was no more of a Sadducee than his betters. Who could have believed that that afternoon Widow Thrale and Granny Marrable went away in opposite directions, the former to her own mother, the latter to Mrs. Picture's grandchild, amid the utter ignorance of all concerned?