United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Dey is a cuss to de country; and it's berry hard for you and me to pay rates to support 'em: our rates last year was bominable. Let us pass dis law, Missus, and fowl stealin' is done de ting is dead. "'Well, you may try it for six months, she say, 'only no whippin'. We must find some oder punishment, she said. "'I ab it, sais I, 'Missus! Oh Lord a massy, Missus! oh dear missus!

Now ablutinists say, 'Hand me dat piller, you darned rascal, and den make yourself skase, you is as black as de debbil's hind leg. And den she say "'Trow dat scarf over my ankles, to keep de bominable flies off. Tankee, Sorrow; you is far more handier dan Aunt Dolly is.

It was not sudden, he said, trying to explain. He really had thought seriously of going yesterday, and feeling that he had something to atone for, he tried to be unusually gracious as he shook their hands, thanking them for their kindness, but seeming wholly oblivious to Aunt Betsy's remark that "she hoped to see him again, if not at Silverton, in New York, where she wanted dreadfully to visit, but never had on account of the 'bominable prices charged to the taverns, and she hadn't no acquaintances there."

We came in with the C Conquest, and are respected in our c county; and here I have to meet her on the sly, and live at the D Dun Cow." "Where the cuisine is wretched." "A b b bominable!"