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Then I hollered out: 'Go it ole, fly-ketcher you're as good for tad-poles as you is for bird-eggs' an' I lit out through the wood." Ozzie B. burst out crying: "Oh, Archie B., do you reckin the po' man got hurt?" Archie B. replied by kicking him in the ribs until he ceased crying. "Say yo' prayers now and go to sleep. I'll kick you m'se'f, but I'll lick anybody else that does it."

It was not long before ornithologists from various parts of the world came to "Egg-land," as the farthermost point of the island came to be known, to see the marvellous sight, not of thousands but of hundreds of thousands of bird-eggs.

All of Sam's bird-eggs, the collection of which he had seen the error of, and had to give up when he became a Scout, was on a table by the window, and his butterflies were pinned on large pieces of brown paper on the wall and looked like a beautiful decoration.

The mocking-bird piped a noisy warning as he raised the lid of the till and saw the desired papers among a parcel of spotted and striped bird-eggs: "Come see! come see! Meshach! he! he! sweet!" "Now open the window yonder," said Meshach, taking the papers, "and let Tom fly out. He starts my nerves. Wh-oo-t, whi-it, Tom!"

It was not long before ornithologists from various parts of the world came to "Eggland," as the farthermost point of the island came to be known, to see the marvellous sight, not of thousands but of hundreds of thousands of bird-eggs.