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Her eyes were free from pain and looked perfectly clear, except for a slight discoloration of the left, which however did not interfere with the vision, and soon disappeared. This event occurred on the 8th or 9th of June." On the 23rd of the following August, Miss Bilodeau gave the above details. Dr.

Instead, she asked for Thorlakson and cried out in dismay to learn that he was not there that he had taken the handcar and had gone off with the two Norwegians to visit Bilodeau, the foreman on the section below. Cristy poured out her story, at least as much of it as she thought would convey the urgency of the situation; but it was rather difficult to make the woman grasp it, Mrs.

Miss Bilodeau, a teacher at Riviere Noire in the parish of St. Agapetus, made the following declaration on the 29th of August, 1867: "Towards the end of last May, a child of twelve, named Mary Cote, was brought to my school, with a request that I would prepare her for first communion and confirmation. She was conducted by her aunt, and walked with difficulty; her eyes appeared in a sad condition.

Miss Bilodeau, a former pupil of the Laval Normal school, having procured some of the water of the tomb for the patient, they both joined in a Novena to the Mother of the Incarnation. The first application of the water was followed by sensible relief. On the third day, the invalid was well, and able to resume her household duties.