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On the morning of the day when Possessionaten Bilberg and his daughter were expected, the curate's wife went with Karin to the inn. The parting between them was full of grateful expression on the one side, and of tender interest and kind advice on the other. They were never to meet again on earth, but they had a common Father in heaven above, in whose presence they trusted one day to be united.

There was another period of courtesying, and a long look of almost unbelieving surprise. There was no move to take this changed daughter by the hand, nor was there any such action on the part of the girl. "I was stopping at the inn with Possessionaten Bilberg and his little daughter, the one I have taken care of so long.

And Possessionaten Bilberg looked humble, for perhaps the first time in his life. "She is not like me in many things," he continued, as if pleased with his subject. "She is pious something I don't quite understand, but it makes me sure she will be a good mother to Elsa.

The stir of the arrival of Possessionaten Bilberg and his daughter had passed away from about the inn, and stillness reigned around on every side, on the wide meadows in front, and on the long, low, rocky ridge beyond them. Possessionaten Bilberg was smoking a cigar in the wide porch, and quietly thinking.

Possessionaten Bilberg was subject to transient indispositions on Sunday morning. The symptoms that had prevented his being at the church service the day before seemed to have disappeared entirely on Monday. He came home from his drive with his daughter in unusually good spirits; and as for little Elsa, she was quite delighted.