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At last, with tears, I beseech'd him to be friends with me too, for that it was not in a rival's power to bound his rage; yet, that I wou'd try neither to say, or do any thing that may offend him: and hop'd so wise and good a man as he, wou'd leave in his mind no sign of a former quarrel: for 'twas with men as with countrys, on rude neglected grounds snows lay very long, but where the fruitful earth was improv'd by culture, they presently melt off, and hardly leave a print behind: Thus unfashion'd minds can't discharge their passions suddenly, but where souls are inrich'd with instruction, they but appear and vanish.

The badness of the weather made me goe into the House before hee came. As Soon as I was enter'd, the men beseech'd me to have compassion on them. I blam'd them for what they had don, & for the future advised them to bee more obedient unto their master, telling them I would desire him to pardon them, & that in the Spring I would give passage unto those that would goe home by the way of ffrance. Mr.

Upon Ascyltos's entry, I threw my self at his feet, and beseech'd him, if he had any memory of our past friendship; or any respect for one that had shar'd misfortunes with him, he wou'd at least let me see the still dear Gito: And to give my sham-intreaties a better colour, "I see," says I, "Ascyltos, you are come with designs on my life; for to what other end could you bring those ministers of justice?