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Burleson seems to be of the opinion that a majority of the Baylorian managers were educated in a mule-pen and dismissed without a diploma couldn't tell whether a man were construing Catullus into Sanskrit or pronouncing in Piute a panegeric on a baked pup.

Let the Philadelphia school board and the Baylorian managers construe it if they can. "Udi vura udorini udiri cicova cilti mora Udorini talti hollna u ede caimoni mora" What? I guess "nit."

Then the real manhood of Waco rose en masse and laid down the law in no uncertain language to the hungry hypocrites and their Baylorian hoodlums. They declared that religious intolerance would no longer be permitted to terrorize this town.

It chanced that this young man was brother to the president's son-in-law, and the whole influence of Baylor was brought to bear to clear the accused! Yet the Baylor students didn't mob him none of its trustees laid in wait for him and slammed him over the head with a six-shooter. The girl soon put a white babe in evidence a pretty little 2-pound Baylorian diploma.

I don't know about that; but I do know that after she got beyond Baylorian influences she married and began leading a respectable life. Defamer of womanhood? Get the sawlogs out of your own eyes, brethren, before howling over the micrococci in the optics of others.

Yet for offering to open a night school for the benefit of the Baylorian faculty I was mobbed; for intimating that the hoard of managers had not socked with old Socrates and ripped with old Euripides I was assaulted by one of their number and his brave body guard and beaten with six-shooters and bludgeons until I was insensible.