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So they made them ready and departed for the City of Carnelian and the Castle of Gold, covering in one day a year's journey and halted in a valley, where they encamped and passed the night. Next morning as they were about to set forth, behold, the vanguard of Barkan's army appeared, whereupon the Jinn cried out and the two hosts met and fell each upon other in that valley.

The estrade at the upper end was hung and carpeted with brocaded silks of various colours and thereon stood two thrones of red gold, inlaid with pearls and jewels. So Mura'ash and Gharib sat down on Barkan's thrones and held high state in the Palace of Gold. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-eighth Night,

Then he mounted and rode to the camp of his uncle's son. And they replied, "To hear is to obey." So, when King Mura'ash came up and entered Barkan's pavilion, the owner rose to him and threw his arms round his neck; whereat the Jann fell upon Mura'ash and pinioned him and chained him. Mura'ash looked at Barkan and said, "What manner of thing is this?"

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Mura'ash and Gharib took seat on Barkan's thrones and held high state. Then said Gharib to Mura'ash, "What thinkest thou to do?" And Mura'ash replied, "O King of mankind, have despatched an hundred horse to learn where Barkan is, that we may pursue him."

When Mura'ash saw this, he despatched a Marid, saying, "Go to this host and learn all that it wanteth and return hither in haste." So the messenger rushed away to Barkan's camp, where the Marids flocked to meet him and said to him, "Who art thou?"

And Gharib tourneyed right and left among the Kafirs who gave way before him, till he came to King Barkan's pavilion, with Kaylajan and Kurajan on his either hand, and cried out to them, "Loose your lord!" So they unbound Mura'ash and broke his fetters and And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-sixth Night,

When Barkan's people saw their king a prisoner, they drove at the others, seeking to rescue him, but Gharib and the Islamised Jinn fell upon them and gloriously done for Gharib! indeed that day he pleased the Lord who answereth prayer and slaked his vengeance with the talisman-sword!

Then he bade pull down the Pied Palace and divided the spoil with the true- believing Jinn, and there fell to his share one-and-twenty thousand bricks of gold and silver and money and treasure beyond speech and count. Then Mura'ash took Gharib and showed him the Mountain Kaf and all its marvels; after which they returned to Barkan's fortress and dismantled it and shared the spoil thereof.