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Thus mummified, it is wrapped in new bark-cloths, and lies in state within a large house built specially for its reception. The sons fight for the throne. The civil war may last for years, but during this period of anarchy, the late king's body lies still unburied.

Manchester goods would quickly supersede the bark-cloths, which were worn out in a month, and, in a few years, every native of Unyoro would be able to appear in durable European clothes.

In Unyoro, cattle are scarce, and they belong to the king; therefore the girls are purchased for various commodities such as brass-coil bracelets, bark-cloths, cotton shirts, ivory, &c. I was anxious to establish a new and legitimate system of trade in this country, which would be the first step towards a higher civilization.

The son now ascends the throne, and the funeral of his father must be his first duty. An immense pit or trench is dug, capable of containing several hundred people. This pit is neatly lined with new bark-cloths. Several wives of the late king are seated together at the bottom, to bear upon their knees the body of their departed lord.

This report was quickly confirmed, as the new and dirty members of the irregular corps, who were now at liberty, presented themselves in the town with their hands full of beads to purchase the necessary bark-cloths. These cloths are prepared from the bark of a species of fig-tree in a very simple manner, which I have personally witnessed.

I therefore divided a few pounds of beads among them for the purchase of new bark-cloths, as I could not allow them to appear in their dirty clothes on the day of the ceremony. They all went away rejoicing, and swearing fidelity, at the same time confessing their sins, and vowing that I had treated them better than they had deserved.