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Mar. 14. Beany got mad today and says he wont keep store with me. we got our flyboxes all pined up and our boxes of cigars all ready and mother said she wood give me some molases for sweatened water. so we was all ready when Beany got mad about the sine. he wanted it to be Watson and Shute becaus he is older then me, but it was my shed and my sweatened water and my board and my barils and so i said my name shood come ferst and he got mad and took half of the things and went home. i dident let him have a bit of the sweatened water.

Mar. 13. me and Beany is going to keep store in my shed. today we made the counter of 2 barils and a board and we made a lot of flyboxes and jacobs laders and tonite we made a lot of sweet firn cigars, and hayseed and mulen leaf and cornsilk. this afternoon we went out picking up bones in a baskit. most every yard had a lot of bones in it xcept where the fellers had been. we got most a buchel. we get half a cent a pound for them down to old Gechels store they make nife handels of them and perl buttons.

But he actually smiled with pleasure as he heard my father run over some part of the contents, muttering his critical remarks as he went on. " Brandies Barils and barricants, also tonneaux. You should have noted that they are all, nevertheless to be entered as titlings. How many inches long is a titling?" Owen, seeing me at fault, hazarded a whisper, of which I fortunately caught the import.

But he actually smiled with pleasure as he heard my father run over some part of the contents, muttering his critical remarks as he went on. " Brandies Barils and barricants, also tonneaux. You should have noted that they are all, nevertheless to be entered as titlings. How many inches long is a titling?" Owen, seeing me at fault, hazarded a whisper, of which I fortunately caught the import.