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Just as Mathieu de la Drôme had said, "You are under King Bomba," Charles Gambon entered. He sank down upon a chair and muttered, "It is horrible." Bancel followed him. "We have come from it," said Bancel. Gambon had been able to shelter himself in the recess of a doorway. In front of Barbedienne's alone he had counted thirty-seven corpses. What was the meaning of it all?

Hochstuhl. Pierre-Charles Gambon. Michot Boutet. Charles Lagrange. Baune. Martin Nadaud. Bertholon. Barthélemy Terrier. Schoelcher. Victor Hugo. De Flotte. Cassal. Joigneaux. Signard. Laboulaye. Viguier. Bruys. Esquiros. Gaston Dussoubs. Madier de Montjau. Guiter. Noël Parfait. Lafon. Emile Péan. Lamarque. Pelletier. Pierre Lafranc. Raspail. Jules Leroux. Théodore Bac. Francisque Maigne. Bancel.

I was enabled to shake the hands of Edgar Quinet, of Chauffour, of Clément Dulac, of Bancel, of Versigny, of Emile Péan, and I again met our energetic and honest host of the Rue Blanche, Coppens, and our courageous colleague, Pons Stande, whom we had lost sight of in the smoke of the battle.

Bancel remarked that the abolition of the octroi duties and the duty on liquors were not caresses to the People, but succor to the poor, a great economical and reparatory measure, a satisfaction to the public demand a satisfaction which the Right had always obstinately refused, and that the Left, master of the situation, ought hasten to accord.