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"Let us try to find a printing-office without delay," said Schoelcher, "and let the proclamation be posted up immediately." "Before nightfall the days are short," added Joigneaux. "Immediately, immediately, several copies!" called out the Representatives. Baudin, silent and rapid, had already made a second copy of the proclamation.

Hochstuhl. Pierre-Charles Gambon. Michot Boutet. Charles Lagrange. Baune. Martin Nadaud. Bertholon. Barthélemy Terrier. Schoelcher. Victor Hugo. De Flotte. Cassal. Joigneaux. Signard. Laboulaye. Viguier. Bruys. Esquiros. Gaston Dussoubs. Madier de Montjau. Guiter. Noël Parfait. Lafon. Emile Péan. Lamarque. Pelletier. Pierre Lafranc. Raspail. Jules Leroux. Théodore Bac. Francisque Maigne. Bancel.

The speakers were Louis Blanc, Schoelcher, Colonel Langlois, Brisson, Lockroy, Milliere, Clemenceau, Martin Bernard, and Joigneaux. I spoke last and summed up the debate. Weighty questions were brought up the Bismarck-Thiers treaty, peace, war, the intolerance of the Assembly, and the case in which it would be advisable to resign in a body. February 19.

"We are in December, the days are short," repeated Joigneaux. Twelve copies were made at the same time in a few minutes. Schoelcher, Rey, Xavier Durrieu, and Millière each took one, and set out in search of a printing office. As they went out a man whom I did not know, but who was greeted by several Representatives, entered and said, "Citizens, this house is marked.