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Yet about the tank we lit upon large scatters of spalled quartz, which, according to the Baliyy, is brought from the neighbouring mountains. Some of it was rosy outside: other specimens bore stains of copper; and others showed, when broken, little pyramids of ore.

I asked them why they did not import good stallions from the banks of the Nile; and the reply was that of the North Country the experiment had ended in the death of the more civilized brutes. This is easily understood: the Baliyy camel seems to live on sand. The camp was visited by a few Bedawi stragglers, and the reports of their immense numbers were simply absurd.

At this season, and as long as the Baliyy are in the Shafah uplands, the almost deserted frontier districts, which we are about to enter, suffer from the Gaum, or razzia, of the neighbouring 'Anezah and the Juhaynah; the two tribes, however, not mixing.

We crossed a shallow prism and a feeding-basin: an ugly little gorge then led to the important Wady Sirr. The Sirr, though still far from its mouth, is at least three miles broad; and the guides speak of it as the Asl el-Balawiyyah, or "Old Home of the Baliyy." The view from its bed is varied and extensive.

That sharpest of tests, the experience of travel, at last suggested to us that the Baliyy is too old a breed; and that its blue blood wants a "racial baptism," a large infusion of something newer and stronger. The learned Dr.