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"What would they do at the ataman's? I should think there is nothing to do there just now. Perhaps later on they might like to go there?" "But how about the boat?" insisted Michael. "What about the boat?" inquired the old man again. "Did you not say the boat was all right where it was?" "Yes, it's all right there," Michael replied. "Well, let it stay there.

In the forecourt of the Ataman's hut we are deprived of our passports, while two of our number, found to be without such documents, are led away to a night's lodging in a dark storehouse in a corner of the premises.

My scheme was to advance one company of Czech troops from Khamerovka to Olhanka, the Ataman's most forward post on my right front, where they were to prepare a small entrenched camp. I would also advance 200 infantry with two machine guns the first night from Kraevesk to Khamerovka. The next day I ordered 200 men to entrain from Spascoe to Kraevesk to act as a reserve.

Then the Cossacks placed their commander upon two swords and tossed him while singing the song of Stenkarazin, the robber chief, and at the end drew their swords and demanded toll, which took the form of five bottles extra. I was then admitted to the fraternity and presented with the Ataman's badge, and after due ceremony with a Cossack sword, by the regiment, admitted to their circle.

I repair, next, to the Ataman's office, where I receive back my passport before setting out to look for my companions in the square.