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It is sometimes taken as an abortifacient or given as an aphrodisiac, but whether it has any such action is open to question. It acts as an irritant to the kidneys and bladder, and sometimes produces haæmaturia and a good deal of temporary discomfort. Symptoms. Burning sensation in the throat and stomach, with salivation, pain and difficulty in swallowing. Vomiting of mucus mixed with blood.

Cantarella, he calls it Cantharides. Why Cantarella? Possibly because it is a pleasing, mellifluous word that will help a sentence hang together smoothly; possibly because the notorious aphrodisiac properties of that drug suggested it to Giovio as just the poison to be kept handy by folk addicted to the pursuits which he and others attribute to the Borgias. Can you surmise any better reason?

II. As a notable informer in the Annals of the exact spirit of his age, Bracciolini necessarily places before his reader not a few pictures of the deterioration of moral principles in the aphrodisiac direction; his book reflects in the most vivid light the strange and very wonderful depravities of his period, some so huge as to deviate greatly out of the common course of nature.

They are accounted aperient and diuretic, and have also been celebrated as aphrodisiac: their virtues, however, are too weak to admit them under the head of medicines. The candied root is ordered to be kept in the shops. Lewis's Mat. Med. FERULA assafoetida. ASSAFOETIDA. Gum. L. E. D. This drug has a strong fetid smell, somewhat like that of garlick; and a bitter, acrid, biting taste.