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"You c'n estimate, I reckon," he began, "what kind of a bringin'-up I had, an' what a poor, mis'able, God-fersaken, scairt-to-death little forlorn critter I was; put upon, an' snubbed, an' jawed at till I'd come to believe myself what was rubbed into me the hull time that I was the most all-'round no-account animul that was ever made out o' dust, an' wa'n't ever likely to be no diff'rent.

The' was a cirkis billed to show down here in Homeville, an' ev'ry barn an' shed fer miles around had pictures stuck onto 'em of el'phants, an' rhinoceroses, an' ev'ry animul that went into the ark; an' girls ridin' bareback an' jumpin' through hoops, an' fellers ridin' bareback an' turnin' summersets, an' doin' turnovers on swings; an' clowns gettin' hoss-whipped, an' ev'ry kind of a thing that could be pictered out; an' how the' was to be a grand percession at ten o'clock, 'ith golden chariots, an' scripteral allegories, an' the hull bus'nis; an' the gran' performance at two o'clock; admission twenty-five cents, children under twelve, at cetery, an' so forth.

Late in the afternoon they got back to the Dickson home. "John," said Dickson, "you enjoyed it?" "Boss," said John fervently. "Ah shore did!" "What did you like the most?" "Mistah Dickson," answered John, "Ah shore laked hit all." "Well, what impressed you most?" "Well, suh, boss," he said, "Ah reckin hit waz dat dere animul you calls de camuel." "The camel, eh?