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Updated: December 22, 2024
I borrow three louis from the concierge, and I go to Versailles to the hotel of Monsieur le Marquis. There is all dat trouble what you read about going on, and Monsieur le Marquis he not so glad to see me for dat risson. 'Mon cher Auguste, he cry, 'you want to be of officier in gardes de corps? Gre, Monsieur le Marquis. I am afred of nothings, I answered.
His modesty pleased the other. "You know more than Jake Dennison, I reckon, except about devilment. I was afred you mightn't be quite up to the place here; you was rather young when I seen you last." He measured him as he might have done a young bullock. "Oh, I fancy I shall be," interrupted the young man, flushing at the suggestion.
I borrow three louis from the concierge, and I go to Versailles to the hotel of Monsieur le Marquis. There is all dat trouble what you read about going on, and Monsieur le Marquis he not so glad to see me for dat risson. 'Mon cher Auguste, he cry, 'you want to be of officier in gardes de corps? Gre, Monsieur le Marquis. I am afred of nothings, I answered.
"'E gone at Doctah Kin." "I do not need Doctor Keene; I am not badly hurt. Raoul should not have left you here in this manner. You must not stay." "Bud, 'Sieur Frowenfel', I am afred to paz dad gangue!" A new distress seized Joseph in view of this additional complication. But, unmindful of this suggestion, the fair Creole suddenly exclaimed: "'Sieu' Frowenfel', you har a hinnocen' man!
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