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This is a trifling incident, yet perhaps it may partly explain the great aenigma why no effectual resistance is made to a government which is secretly detested.

A specimen also, I may add, of the true T. aenigma, was given me from the neighbourhood of the famous silver mines of Chanuncillo, a little south of the valley of the Copiapo, and these mines, from their position, I have no doubt, lie within the great gypseous formation: the rocks close to one of the silver veins, judging from fragments shown me, resemble those singular metamorphosed deposits from the mining district of Arqueros near Coquimbo.

Bollaert has described "Geological Proceedings" volume 2 page 598, a singular mass of stratified detritus, gravel, and sand, eighty-one yards in thickness, overlying the limestone, and abounding with loose masses of silver ore. Lucina Americana, E. Forbes. Terebratula inca, E. Forbes. Terebratula aenigma, D'Orbigny.

The relations of these species have been given under the head of Coquimbo. Terebratula aenigma, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" Part Pal. This shell M. d'Orbigny does not consider identical with his T. aenigma, but near to T. obsoleta. Professor Forbes thinks that it is certainly a variety of T. aenigma: we shall meet with this variety again at Copiapo. Spirifer Chilensis, E. Forbes.

This is the same variety, with that from Guasco, considered by M. D'Orbigny to be a distinct species from his T. aenigma, and related to T. obsoleta. Plagiostoma and Ammonites, fragments of. It was evident, from the manner in which species were grouped together, that they had lived where now embedded.

Pecten Dufreynoyi, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." This species, which occurs here in vast numbers, according to M. D'Orbigny, resembles certain cretaceous forms. Ostrea hemispherica, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" etc. Also resembles, according to the same author, cretaceous forms. Terebratula aenigma, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" etc. Is allied, according to M. d'Orbigny, to T. concinna from the Forest Marble.