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The "rest" and "sea air" and "pleasant people" were exactly what the doctor had prescribed for him, but that was not the whole reason for the advertisement's retention. An association of ideas was the real reason. Just before he found the magazine he had received Mrs. Hall's postcard with its renewal of the invitation to visit the Hall cottage at Wellmouth.

"You've time for reading this one, laddie, for you can't afford to miss it. It's a what-d'you-call-it book. What I mean to say is, if you read it and take its tips to heart, it guarantees to make you a convincing talker. The advertisement says so. The advertisement's all about a chappie whose name I forget, whom everybody loved because he talked so well.

Was not this an unbeliever whom it might be possible to convert, whose influence it would be desirable to gain for advertisement's sake?

Was not this an unbeliever whom it might be possible to convert, whose influence it would be desirable to gain for advertisement's sake?

'If nothing comes of this, says he, 'I think I can manage about the burial with a charitable society here. I'll take care and inform you the moment the advertisement's answered. I hardly know how it was, sir; but I almost hoped they wouldn't answer it.

Was not this an unbeliever whom it might be possible to convert, whose influence it would be desirable to gain for advertisement's sake?