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The woman unhooked her linsey dress, fumbled around in the recesses, and finally produced a soiled and crumpled paper, which, when straightened out, read: "Mrs. Sarah Bolster has permission to pass in and out of the camp of the 200th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. "By order of Col. Quackenbush. "D. L. Blakemore, Lieut. & Adj't." "What've you got in that basket?" asked Si, still hesitating.

Lieutenant-Colonel, Aide-de-camp, and Act'g Ass't Adj't. Gen'l." "HEADQUARTERS, September 17, 1862. BRIG. GEN. S. WILLIAMS, Assistant Adjutant-General. GENERAL, Your dispatch of yesterday this moment received. These aides returned shortly before three o'clock, and they immediately proceeded to post the three columns.

Garrard's staff, and Adj't Mitchell, both deserve mention for coolness and bravery. Capt. Allen, personally distinguished himself, for which he received the rank Brevet Lt. Col. at the close of the war. Capt.

Company E was cut off, the enemy having got between it and the command, and about the same time the head of the wagon train was attacked which created a stampede in the train. Capt. Rankin wheeled two companies into position and moved out to meet the enemy, ordering Adj't. Mitchell to bring out the remainder as soon as the wagon train could be got into our rear.

John O'Neill, 5th Indiana Cavalry. "There appears to be no remedy for the evil referred to by General Sturges. "By command of "R. MOORE, Ass't. Adj't. Gen.