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Native name, KARLOCK. Speared by a native, June 1841. Inhabits rocky shores. No. 2. BERYX LINEATUS, C. and V. 3, p. 226. Native name, CHETONG. Red Snapper, or Tide-fisher of the sealers. Very common in the bays of rocky shores. "Rays, D. 5-14; A. 4-13; P. 12; V. 1-7." No. 59. SPHYROENA. Native name, KORDONG. "Rays, D. 5, 1-9; A. 11; P. 13; V. 1-5."

Give it to Him. You may not hear the bleachers roar over your gift, but, listen, fellows, when a life is surrendered to Christ the battlements of heaven ring with a shout that encircles God's throne, and the score is for Eternity! Fellows, let's play the REAL GAME. Read John 6:5-14. Say, fellows, I want you to take a look at Simon Peter to-day. He is as interesting as a fast game of volley ball.

Literature is indebted to his pen for the History of the Civil Wars of Flanders, sundry Memoirs, and a Narrative of Flanders. He died in 1644. Mém. de la Régence de Marie de Medicis, pp. 5-14. D'Estrées, Mém., édition Michaud, pp. 375, 376. Hist. de la Vie du Duc d'Epernon, pp. 248, 249. Mém. de la Régence, pp. 6-8. Mézeray, vol. xi. pp. 7, 8. D'Estrées, Mém. p. 376.

The timing of the Artillery was perfect and, with the road to guide them, "A" Company on the right swept across the Bellenglise road, keeping close to the barrage. By 5-14 a.m. It was still half dark, and, as we had feared, the smoke barrage blew across and shrouded us in a thick blanket of fog.

Delitzsch, in his Babylonische Weltschöpfungsepos, pp. 61-68, has elaborately set forth the principles of the poetic composition. See also D. H. Mueller, Die Propheten in ihrer ursprünglichen Form, pp. 5-14. I.e., did not exist. To be 'called' or to 'bear a name' meant to be called into existence. I.e., of the waters. I.e., of heaven and earth. The word used is obscure.