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Hearty en Hedwig keken er naar, terwijl zij Hedwig's aanstaanden werkkring te Manchester bespraken en een circulaire opstelden, die Hedwig zou laten drukken en rond sturen en waarin "Fräulein Hedwig Eiche from Hannover" Hedwig's geboorteplaats lag in de provincie Hannover hare diensten als onderwijzeres in het Duitsch aanbood.

They do not sail out from land, except upon rare occasions.... The prow and stern of fishing-boats are much alike, and are neatly nailed together with wooden nails. They use round stems of trees in their natural state, for masts. The sails are made of straw, plaited together with cross-bars of bamboo. The sail is at the stern of the boat. "November 1664.

In den jaare 1796. kwam in twee deelen in groot quarto, te London te voorschyn eene Reisbeschryving, onder deezen tytel: Narrative, of a five years expedition, against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America; from the year 1772, to 1777: elucidating the History of that Country, and describing its productions, viz.

"In 1651, ... a decree was issued ordering the people to use coin and at the same time prohibiting them from the use of cloth as money.... Up to this time, there had always been a party opposed to the use of coin that took every opportunity to suppress its use and replace it with rice and cloth.

"Chillon! thy prison is a holy place, And thy sad floor an altar for 't was trod, Until his very steps have left a trace, Worn, as if thy cold pavement were a sod, By Bonnivard! May none those marks efface! For they appeal from tyranny to God." 't Was al vrij duister, toen ons reisgezelschap den trap naar den onderaardschen kerker afdaalde.

Ik kreeg een grooten ruiker vergeet-mij-nieten mee en gaf er later een tuiltje van aan Dorothy, die de bloempjes droogde en opplakte en eronder schreef: "From my dear German friend."...." Het waren vroolijke, zorgelooze dagen, zooals Hedwig zich niet herinnerde er ooit te voren in haar leven te hebben gekend.

Quadrupedes, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, Trees, Shrubs, Fruits & Roots; with an account of the Indians of Guiana & Negroes of Guinea: by Captain J. G. STEDMAN. Illustraded with 80 elegant Engravings, from drawings made by the Author.