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But the frank and fluent melody was strangely distorted, with unpleasant minor turns and harsh whisperings of menace, and the tower psychologist noted a further rise of the needle. There was a diversion of interest now. The mob of first arrivals, as well as the ever-freshening stream of newcomers, was moving toward the teletabloids and the more conservative stereo-screens.

It was Wilcox the benevolent; Wilcox the superman. Wilcox, in carefully rehearsed dramatic situations, reproduced on the stereo-screens in every home. You know who put over the slogan, 'Wilcox, the Solar Savior? We did it. It was easy!" He laughed shortly. "The only time we failed was, when they wanted to end, once and for all, the prestige of the royal house.

There would be events painful and disastrous to their present rulers, but a great betterment of humanity's condition. The key to the situation was the news monopoly, the complete control of all broadcasting of the stereo-screens, the teletabloids that colored all events to suit the ends of the ruling group.

The parks were milling with crowds who came to hear the patriotic speakers. There was hardly anyone at the stereo-screens, where the news of real importance was given. "President Wilcox announced to-day that an interplanetary conference of financiers will be held in his office three days from to-day, beginning at the third hour after sunrise.