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The oldest estates in the island lie in the northern valleys of Santz Cruz, Maracas, and Arima; but cultivation has been considerably extended in the Montserrat and Naparima districts, and more recently in almost every part of the island reached by the extension of the railway and the coasting steamboat.

I thought, too, that Juanita guessed the true state of the case; and she was so kind and gentle withal, and her gratitude at times was so demonstrative that I feared if I stayed long at Naparima there might be trouble, for like all men of Spanish blood, Carmen was quite capable of being furiously jealous. I left them a month before the day fixed for their marriage.

"I don't think you will easily find a customer for a ruby ring on the llanos. However, I'll tell you what. An old friend of mine, a certain Señor Morillones, has a large estate at a place called Naparima on the Apure. Let us go there to begin with. Morillones will supply us with mules, and we may possibly persuade some of his people to accompany us.

Treasure-hunting is always an attraction for the adventurous. What say you?" "Yes. By all means let us go." "We may regard it as settled, then, that we make in the first instance for Naparima." "Certainly." "That being the case the best thing we can do is to have a sleep. We got none last night, and we are not likely to get any to-night." As Carmen spoke he folded his arms and shut his eyes.

Yes: but also ah, stupid civilised people. I had a few days of pleasant wandering in the centre of the island, about the districts which bear the names of Naparima and Montserrat; a country of such extraordinary fertility, as well as beauty, that it must surely hereafter become the seat of a high civilisation. The soil seems inexhaustibly rich.