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The Spaniards cut off his head and threw it over the wall into the city, with a paper fastened on it bearing the words: "This is the head of Captain De Koning, who is on his way with reinforcements for the good city of Haarlem."

Two citizens of Bruges, Peter de Koning, a draper, and John Breydel, a butcher, put themselves at the head of their fellow-townsmen, and completely dislodged the French troops who garrisoned it. The following year the militia of Bruges and the immediate neighborhood sustained alone, at the battle of Courtrai, the shock of one of the finest armies that France ever sent into the field.

Batenburg brought off a remnant of the forces, but all the provisions so much needed were lost, and the little army entirely destroyed. De Koning, the second in command, was among the prisoners. The Spaniards cut off his head and threw it over the walls into the city, with this inscription: "This is the head of Captain de Koning, who is on his way with reinforcements for the good city of Harlem."

Batenburg brought off a remnant of the forces, but all the provisions so much needed were lost, and the little army entirely destroyed. De Koning, the second in command, was among the prisoners. The Spaniards cut off his head and threw it over the walls into the city, with this inscription: "This is the head of Captain de Koning, who is on his way with reinforcements for the good city of Harlem."

IChe EDWARD Koning, Have given of my Forrest the kepen of the Hundred of Chelmer and Dancing. To RANDOLPH PEPERKING, And to his kindling. With Heorte and Hind, Doe and Bocke, Hare and Fox, Cat and Brock, Wild Fowle with his Flock; Patrich, Pheasant Hen, and Pheasant Cock, With green and wild Stub and Stock, To kepen and to yemen with all her might. Witness the Bishop of Wolston.

Batenburg brought off a remnant of the forces, but all the provisions so much needed were lost, and the little army entirely destroyed. De Koning, the second in command, was among the prisoners. The Spaniards cut off his head and threw it over the walls into the city, with this inscription: "This is the head of Captain de Koning, who is on his way with reinforcements for the good city of Harlem."

Georgi Bemerkungen auf einer Reise im Russischen Reichs, 1772 1774. Peters. 1755. 2 vols. 4to. Georgi Beschriebung alter Nation des Russischen Reichs. Leipsic. 2 vols. 4to. Georgi Geographische, Physicalische und Naturhistorische, Beschriebung des Russischen Reichs. Koning. 3 vols. 4to.

Batenburgh brought off, under cover of the mist, a remnant of his troops, but all the provisions and ammunition were lost. The second in command, De Koning, was among those captured.

Batenburg brought off a remnant of the forces, but all the provisions so much needed were lost, and the little army entirely destroyed. De Koning, the second in command, was among the prisoners. The Spaniards cut off his head and threw it over the walls into the city, with this inscription: "This is the head of Captain de Koning, who is on his way with reinforcements for the good city of Harlem."

In fact, in barbarian language, the word konung, koning, or cyning synonymous with the Latin rex, had no other meaning than that of a temporary leader or chieftain of a band of men. The commander of a flotilla of boats, or even of a single pirate boat, was also a konung, and till the present day the commander of fishing in Norway is named Not-kong "the king of the nets."