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Answered they, "Yes; but, O King, we did not drown her, nay we took pity on her and left her on the bank of the Jayhun, saying, 'Save thyself and return not to the city, lest the King slay thee and slay us with thee. This is all we know of her." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Six Hundred and Seventieth Night, She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the two men ended the tale of Fakhr Taj with these words, "And we left her upon the bank of the river Jayhun!"

Hereupon he cried out to the midwives and slave-girls, saying, 'Pinion me this harlot's elbows behind her and look at her privy parts. So they did as he bade them and after inspecting her slit said to him, 'O King, she hath lost her maidenhead Whereupon he ran at her and would have slain her, but her mother rose up and threw herself between them crying, 'O King, slay her not, lest thou be for ever dishonoured; but shut her in a cell till she die. So he cast her into prison till nightfall, when he called two of his courtiers and said to them, 'Carry her afar off and throw her into the river Jayhun and tell none. They did his commandment, and indeed her memory is forgotten and her time is past."

"How then shall we do with him?" asked Siran, and the other answered, "Cast him into the Jayhun while he is still in Bhang and he shall be drowned and none will know who threw him in." And Siran bade the Marid take Gharib and cast him into Jayhun river. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Six Hundred and Seventy-second Night,

Quoth Gharib to him, "O dog of the Persians, what didst thou do with thy daughter?" "I gave her to such an one and such an one," quoth the King, "saying, 'Drown her in the river Jayhun." So Gharib sent for the two men and asked them, "Is what he saith true?"