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Its manners in captivity are grave, and its temper mild and confiding, like that of the Coaitas, owing to these traits, the Barrigudo is much sought after for pets; but it is not hardy like the Coaitas, and seldom survives a passage down the river to Para. Marmosets.-It now only remains to notice the Marmosets, which form the second family of American monkeys.

The skin of the face in the Barrigudo is black and wrinkled, the forehead is low, with the eyebrows projecting, and, in short, the features altogether resemble in a striking manner those of an old negro. In the forests, the Barrigudo is not a very active animal; it lives exclusively on fruits, and is much persecuted by the Indians, on account of the excellence of its flesh as food.

Some of them were found also on the Lower Amazons, and have been noticed in former chapters of this narrative. Of the remainder, the most remarkable is the Macaco barrigudo, or bag- bellied monkey of the Portuguese colonists, a species of Lagothrix.

As already related, my pet was killed by a jealous Caiarara monkey, which was kept in the house at the same time. Barrigudo Monkeys. Ten other species of monkeys were found, in addition to those already mentioned, in the forests of the Upper Amazons.

I recognised them as the species called by the Portuguese Macaco barrigudo, or the big-bellied monkey. The Indians shot one of them with their blow-pipes, the rest wisely swinging themselves off. The creature had a black and wrinkled face, with a low forehead and projecting eyebrows. The body was upwards of two feet in length, and the tail not much less.

Arthur and I watched them, when Domingos, without at all recognising the likeness which Arthur and I had discovered in the macaco barrigudo to himself, began without ceremony to skin it, and in a short time had it spitted and roasting before the fire. We had formed a rough table, and the first article of food which Domingos placed on it was a portion of the big monkey on a plantain leaf.