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Were it otherwise, then would the tarantulas teach otherwise: and they themselves were formerly the best world-maligners and heretic-burners. With these preachers of equality will I not be mixed up and confounded. For thus speaketh justice UNTO ME: "Men are not equal." And neither shall they become so! What would be my love to the Superman, if I spake otherwise?

And whatever harm the world-maligners may do, the harm of the good is the harmfulest harm! O my brethren, into the hearts of the good and just looked some one once on a time, who said: "They are the Pharisees." But people did not understand him. The good and just themselves were not free to understand him; their spirit was imprisoned in their good conscience.

If ever my wrath hath burst graves, shifted landmarks, or rolled old shattered tables into precipitous depths: If ever my scorn hath scattered mouldered words to the winds, and if I have come like a besom to cross-spiders, and as a cleansing wind to old charnel-houses: If ever I have sat rejoicing where old Gods lie buried, world-blessing, world-loving, beside the monuments of old world-maligners:

"And thine own reason this shalt thou thyself stifle and choke; for it is a reason of this world, thereby wilt thou learn thyself to renounce the world." Shatter, shatter, O my brethren, those old tables of the pious! Tatter the maxims of the world-maligners! "He who learneth much unlearneth all violent cravings" that do people now whisper to one another in all the dark lanes.