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The Lexell-Brooks case was almost duplicated by the resemblance to De Vico's lost comet of 1844 of one detected November 20, 1894, by Edward, son of Lewis Swift. Schulhof announced the identity, and Chandler, under reserve, vouched for it.

Their paths, although more eccentric, are all contained in planes that nearly correspond with the planes of the planetary orbits, and they travel in these paths in the same general direction with their planetary brethren in every case. The planetoid comets of short period are Encke's, De Vico's, Brorsen's, D'Arrest's, Biela's, and Fage's.

De Vico's accounts of it appear to me to have not a little of the extra-marvellous in them. And all by a Cauchoix refractor of eight inches? I fear me that these wonders are not for female eyes, the good monks are too well aware of the penetrating qualities of such optics to allow them entry within the seven-fold walls of their Collegio. Has Somerville ever looked through it?

Of all those advanced, Vico's are the least defensible, though they seem to rest on a deep knowledge of antiquity.

These latter wanted, not so much to get up to the level of their superiors, as to bring them down to their own, and even precipitate them into the abyss of nothingness below. They have almost succeeded; and the prestige of noble blood has passed away, perhaps forever, in spite of Vico's well- known theory.

But his work and this is the important point for us helped to diffuse the idea, which the ideologists were diffusing on very different lines that human history has been a progressive development. He had not fallen under the glamour of German idealism, and his results have more affinity with Vico's than with Hegel's.