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It was not a cheering sight, and Carleton and Adye with their gallant comrades must have felt their hearts grow heavier as they watched. The Boers' shells bursting among the British batteries, the British shells bursting short of their opponents. The Long Toms laid at an angle of forty-five plumped their huge shells into the British guns at a range where the latter would not dream of unlimbering.

The men faced the door, wondering, and then the swift rumor passed from lip to lip almost from eye to eye, so rapidly it sped Donnegan is coming! Donnegan, and big George with him. "Someone tell Milligan!" But Milligan had already heard; he was back of the bar giving directions; guns were actually unlimbering. What would happen? "Shall I get you out of this?" Landis asked the girl. "Leave now?"

They halted and formed across the road half-way between the main body and the advance guard, and, unlimbering, prepared to open fire upon the unknown obstacle in their front.

We sit on what is known as the "Amen side," with our thumb in our button-hole, and watch the process of the chief steward, who is unlimbering his tuning-fork. He obtains the pitch of the tune by rapping the pew with this, or, if his teeth be sound, which is rare, touches the prongs with his incisors.

"Hold on!" he shouted. "It's one of our own it's Oh, bah!" "What is it? What is it!" cried Mr. Simms, unlimbering his weapon. "It's Chunky," snorted Ned Rector disgustedly. "The fat boy has been falling in again or I'll eat mutton all the rest of my natural life."