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Another dismal circumstance is, that Veneering, having the captivating Tippins on one side of him and the bride's aunt on the other, finds it immensely difficult to keep the peace.

'As it is you who have heard it, returns Lightwood, 'perhaps you'll tell us. 'Monster, away! retorts Lady Tippins. 'Your own Golden Dustman referred me to you. Mr Lammle, striking in here, proclaims aloud that there is a sequel to the story of the man from somewhere. Silence ensues upon the proclamation.

Say likewise, my Twemlow, whether it be the happier lot to be a poor relation of the great, or to stand in the wintry slush giving the hack horses to drink out of the shallow tub at the coach-stand, into which thou has so nearly set thy uncertain foot. Twemlow says nothing, and goes on. As he approaches the Lammles' door, drives up a little one-horse carriage, containing Tippins the divine.

Mrs Veneering is habitually disposed to be tearful, and has an extra disposition that way after her late excitement. Previous to withdrawing from the dinner-table with Lady Tippins, she says, in a pathetic and physically weak manner: 'You will all think it foolish of me, I know, but I must mention it. As I sat by Baby's crib, on the night before the election, Baby was very uneasy in her sleep.

'Now, I am Chairwoman of Committees! cries Lady Tippins. 'And this, pursues the sprightly one, 'is a Committee of the whole House to what-you-may-call-it elicit, I suppose the voice of Society. The question before the Committee is, whether a young man of very fair family, good appearance, and some talent, makes a fool or a wise man of himself in marrying a female waterman, turned factory girl.