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"Have you brought your signal-code with you? All right! If you discover anything startling, send a courier to me with the fullest details. I will follow along after the main body. Be cautious, but at the same time keep moving, for we ought to be within striking distance of those rascals in a few hours more." The lieutenant saluted and rode back to the column, drawing his sword as he went.

Said Pyecroft, with a sigh: "The amount o' trouble me an' my bright spurs 'ad fishin' out that information from torpedo coxswains and similar blighters in pubs all this afternoon, you would never believe." "But has the Stiletto broken down?" I asked weakly. "How else are we to get Red Fleet's private signal-code? Any way, if she 'asn't now, she will before manoeuvres are ended.

Directly above the troops, flying as straight for Brussels as a homing bee for the hive, went a military monoplane, serving as courier and spy for the crawling columns below it. Directly, having gone far ahead, it came speeding back, along a lower air lane and performed a series of circling and darting gyrations, which doubtlessly had a signal-code meaning for the troops.

There were Findlay's five directories of the world all broken-backed, as is usual with Findlay, and all marked and scribbled over with corrections and additions several books of navigations, a signal-code, and an Admiralty book of a sort of orange hue, called "Islands of the Eastern Pacific Ocean," vol. iii., which appeared from its imprint to be the latest authority, and showed marks of frequent consultation in the passages about the French Frigate Shoals, the Harman, Cure, Pearl, and Hermes Reefs, Lisiansky Island, Ocean Island, and the place where we then lay Brooks or Midway.