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Her Majestie hathe a desire to see a certaine gallant youthe that dwelleth hard bye ye rivere atte Blakeney, and I have a desire to showe a pretty maiden ye sightes of London towne, of the whiche we spoke many a time in ye cool of ye forest. Therefore, come away with brave Master Morgan and youre estimable father, ye captaine. My manne will guide you, and I will welcome you righte heartilie.

"Amonge the wylde dere, such an archere As men say that ye be, He may not fayle of good vitayle Where is so great plente: And water clere of the rivere, Shall be full swete to me, With which in hele, I shall right wele, Endure, as ye may see." Then called they themselves "merry men," and the forest the "merry greenwood"; and sang, with Robin Hood,

The English yeoman left for them a keg of ale, or a basket of loaves, beneath the hollins green, as sauce for their meal of "nombles of the dere." "For hart and hind, and doe and roe, Were in that forest great plentie," and "Swannes and fesauntes they had full good And foules of the rivere. There fayled never so lytell a byrde, That ever was bred on brere."

Expecting to reap great advantage from Anticosti as a fishing and fur-trading station, he built a fort thereon; but after living some time on the island with his family, he was obliged to abandon it. His patronymic was adopted as the name of a mountain situated near the Rivere des Plaines, a tributary of the Illinois; and Joliet is also the appellation, given in his honor, of a town near Chicago.