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On the 7th January, 1587, Cavendish entered the Strait of Magellan, and in the narrowest part of it received on board his ships one-and-twenty Spaniards and two women, the sole survivors of the colony founded three years previously, under the name of Philippeville, by Captain Sarmiento.

On the left, the territory from Dunkirk to Philippeville was defended by the army under Rochambeau, forty thousand foot and eight thousand cavalry strong; Lafayette, with his army of the centre, of more than a hundred thousand men and some seven thousand horse, commanded between Philippeville and Weissenberg, while Luckner, with his army of the Rhine, stretched from Weissenberg to Bâle.

His fortification of Philippeville and Charlemont, in the face of the enemy his passage of the Meuse in Alva's sight his unfortunate but well-ordered campaign against that general his sublime plan of relief, projected and successfully directed at last from his sick bed, for the besieged city of Leyden will always remain monuments of his practical military skill.

At Philippeville on the day after the battle, he wrote to his brother Joseph that he would speedily have 300,000 men ready to defend France: he would harness his guns with carriage-horses, raise 100,000 conscripts, and arm them with muskets taken from the royalists and malcontent National Guards: he would arouse Dauphiné, Lyonnais, and Burgundy, and overwhelm the enemy.

His fortification of Philippeville and Charlemont, in the face of the enemy his passage of the Meuse in Alva's sight his unfortunate but well-ordered campaign against that general his sublime plan of relief, projected and successfully directed at last from his sick bed, for the besieged city of Leyden will always remain monuments of his practical military skill.

At Philippeville on the day after the battle, he wrote to his brother Joseph that he would speedily have 300,000 men ready to defend France: he would harness his guns with carriage-horses, raise 100,000 conscripts, and arm them with muskets taken from the royalists and malcontent National Guards: he would arouse Dauphiné, Lyonnais, and Burgundy, and overwhelm the enemy.

His fortification of Philippeville and Charlemont, in the face of the enemy his passage of the Meuse in Alva's sight his unfortunate but well-ordered campaign against that general his sublime plan of relief, projected and successfully directed at last from his sick bed, for the besieged city of Leyden will always remain monuments of his practical military skill.

He was even accused of having manifested an unseemly panic at Philippeville, and of having only been restrained by the expostulations of his officers, from abandoning both that fortress and Charlemont to Admiral Coligny, who had made his appearance in the neighborhood, merely at the head of a reconnoitring party.

From either of these provinces it is possible to penetrate inland to the Sahara, but this is done most easily from the eastern settlement, Constantine. We therefore made choice of this route, and on a bright morning early in April started from Algiers for Philippeville. The voyage along the coast affords some glimpses of fine scenery.

At the same time, in order to protect the Low Countries from French attacks, Charles V fortified the three towns of Marienbourg, Charlemont and Philippeville, called after Mary of Hungary, Charles himself and his son Philip. Thus, at last, the Low Countries reaped some advantage from the constant expenses which they had to sustain owing to incessant European wars.